Victoria 2 static modifiers
Victoria 2 static modifiers

It's used when we want to write performance critical sections of code in more performance-friendly languages (like C). It works together with the Java Native Interface (JNI). Native is not covered in more detail below since is a simple keyword that marks a method that will be implemented in other languages, not in Java.

  • Non-access: static, final, abstract, synchronized, volatile, transient and native.
  • Modifiers in Java fall into one of two groups - access and non-access: private int myVar or public String toString(). Modifier keywords are written before the variable/method/class (return) type and name, e.g. For example, we can control which classes/objects can access certain members of our class, whether a class can be inherited or not, whether we can override a method later, whether we should override a method later, etc.

    victoria 2 static modifiers victoria 2 static modifiers

    Modifiers are keywords that let us fine-tune access to our class and its members, their scope, and behavior in certain situations.

    Victoria 2 static modifiers